Dialogue (2)

Man: hhhh.. *smile*

Friend: Did the boss said anything when he summoned you to his room?

Man: Yes. And thanks to that, I have a good news and a bad news.

Friend: Whoa… you’re okay?

Man: Yeah. Which news you want to hear first?

Friend: Well… the bad news…? I guess..

Man: Okay. Boss said that I’ll get fired in two weeks.

Friend: Oh no… I’m sorry to hear that

Man: The good news is, I have a stadium 4 lung cancer.


Dialog. (1)

A: rugi dong lo kalau ga percaya Tuhan, tapi nggak minum alkohol, nggak makan babi, nggak ewita sana sini.

B: nggak juga sih. Kalau ternyata Tuhan bener ada, paling nggak aing lebih sebentar di nerakanya daripada maneh.